Creamy Spinach

Looking for a simple, beautiful, and super delicious side dish?

This creamy spinach recipe is perfect as a quick snack, dip (yeah, we love to dip nachos or pita bread in it), or side dish. It literally goes with anything and is most commonly served with potatoes, meat, or fish. However, we definitely encourage you to try a plant-based alternative to meat and fish. 🌱This side dish works also great as a replacement for bechamel sauce in lasagne, making it a more healthy option with all its nutrients.

It is not an exaggeration when I say that we absolutely love this creamy spinach! Spinach is such a great source of nutrients. It is full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, A, B2, B6, E, calcium, manganese, and folate, while still being low in calories. [1] And as a bonus, it is super easy to mix and match with different foods, which is why we created this side dish recipe for you.

We hope you enjoy it! 💚

Creamy Spinach Recipe

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 2 Categories: Side dishes, Dinner Cuisine: Western


400 g (14 oz.) spinach

We use frozen spinach since it has more nutrients than fresh spinach. It is also easier to use (no washing or cutting), better to store and in most cases cheaper.

Creamy Sauce

240 ml (1 cup) plant-based milk of choice

We love to use the Oatly Barista Edition, but any other plant-based milk works too.

2 tbsp. canola oil

Can be replaced with any other clear vegetable oil.

2 tbsp. flour
1 small chopped onion
1 clove minced garlic

We believe garlic makes every dish better. But if this side dish is part of a romantic special meal for a special someone, we promise you it will also turn out great without the garlic.

1 tsp. vegetable bouillon powder
1 pinch nutmeg

We like to use freshly grounded nutmeg, but already grounded nutmeg from a jar is also great.

1 pinch pepper
1 pinch salt


15 g (0.5 oz.) walnuts
1 pinch chili flakes
1 slice lemon



Step 1:

Put the frozen spinach in a pot and let it thaw on medium heat. Once fully thawed let it boil on low heat and cook until done for about 5 minutes.

Step 2:

Remove the excess water from the spinach and set aside.

Creamy Sauce

Step 3:

Heat up the canola oil on medium heat in a saucepan. Once the canola oil is hot, add flour and whisk constantly for about 2 minutes. Add garlic, chopped onion, vegetable bouillon powder, and nutmeg. Let it simmer for another 1 - 2 minutes.

Step 4:

Slowly whisk in the plant-based milk until all lumps are out. Bring it to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes until it has thickened.

Putting it together

Step 5:

Add the spinach to the creamy sauce and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Step 6:

Garnish with lemon, walnuts and chili flakes.


1. USDA: