Best & Easy Vegan Mayo

Mayonnaise is such a great sauce on anything but sweets. It's the foundation of many french dips and dressings. One of the hardest things for me in switching to a plant-based diet was ditching mayonnaise. Which is why I dedicated much of my time in the kitchen to come up with a delicious plant-based alternative.
And I think it's safe to say I found it! This plant-based mayonnaise recipe is easy and cheap to make and literally the best vegan mayonnaise we ever had. I know, everybody says that about their own recipes. But see for yourself and try this egg-free French classic next time you barbecue or throw some fries into the oven! Let us know in the comments below what you think! šŸ˜Š
Compared to store-bought plant-based mayonnaise, our recipe is cheap and does not include any additives or preservatives. Classical mayonnaise is an emulsion of liquid from egg yolk, mustard, vinegar and added oil. The lecithin in egg yolk acts as an emulsifier. So eggs are a vital ingredient, which is why they need a suitable substitute. Plant-based sources of lecithin are sunflower seeds and soybeans. Fortunately, in the production of soy milk, a high percentage of lecithin is preserved. So instead of using beans, we use soy milk, resulting in a silky smooth mayonnaise that is not distinguishable from the non-vegan one.

Best & Easy Vegan Mayo Recipe

Prep time: 10 minutes Servings: 1 cup Category: Sauces & Dips Cuisines: Western, French


80 ml (ā…“ cup) soy milk

It's important to use soy milk and not any other plant-based milk, because of the required natural lecithin. Additionally, to have better success in getting the emulsion to start, it needs to be at room temperature.

160 ml (ā…” cup) canola oil

Can be replaced with sunflower oil.

2 tsp. mustard
1 tsp. light vinegar

We used apple cider vinegar, but it can also be replaced with lemon juice or a combination of both.

1 pinch salt
1 pinch white pepper

You can also use black pepper, just be aware that it will result in little black specks in the mayo.


Step 1:

Add soy milk, mustard and vinegar to a small mixing jar (one that just fits a hand blender). Blend the mixture using a hand blender. While blending, slowly drizzle in the oil.

To start the emulsion adding the oil needs to be done carefully, especially with the first bits of oil. If you added a bit too much oil at once, stop pouring and blend until fully emulsified. Then continue drizzling in the rest of it until the mayonnaise is thick enough.