Welcome to Coconuts about food!

Hi, we're Janina & Dawud. We hope you enjoy browsing our website so far. Coconuts about food is meant to be a resource of inspiration and information about crazy delicious, plant-based food that you can make at home. We love how healthy, nourishing, and delicious a plant-based diet is, which is why our blog focuses on vegan recipes only. We are also animal and nature lovers and made a promise to our dogs not to eat their palls, ever.

Our goal is to share high-quality recipes, that will make you less dependent on the growing market of oven-ready and processed plant-based meals. Don't get us wrong. We think market growth is awesome because it makes plant-based meals more accessible to people. But it can also get quite expensive and sometimes even unhealthy.

Coconuts about food actually started off with our frustration about high prices for plant-based cheese alternatives. Which in a lot of cases taste great, but not always like cheese. So we decided to make our own version of plant-based Camembert (we used to love Camembert and really craved for a good vegan alternative). After a lot of research and failed attempts, we finally made it work and produced the best plant-based Camembert we ever tasted. Self-made vegan Camembert! I mean, how cool is that?! Fast forward we now make our own bread, burger patties, ... Well, you get the picture. This does not mean we don't enjoy the plant-based options in supermarkets. We love many of them and buy them all the time. To us, it's just really nice to know you can make all this yourself, have full transparency about ingredients and save the extra buck once in a while.

As you can imagine a lot of self-made foods require quite some preparation and in some cases long waiting times. And let's be honest. Who has time to stand in the kitchen all day long? (But if you do, we got you covered 😊) On this website, we share all of our favorite recipes with you. That means lots of super fancy and complicated stuff, but also a lot of really quick and easy delicious meals. Our recipes mainly focus on high quality, fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients. Many times our recipes are inspired by our travels, multicultural backgrounds, and different cuisines that come with it.

Our story

Dawud is the main mastermind behind our recipes. He loves to experiment with different ingredients, create new meals, and is crazy about spices and everything savory. If he doesn't spend his time in the kitchen, he works for a tech company in Amsterdam as a Data Scientist. When he was still a student, he worked part-time as a chef for different restaurants in The Netherlands for around six years. This was when cooking stopped being a fun hobby and started becoming a passion.

In contrast, Janina is not much of a cook. She enjoys cooking meals only when they require short prep and cooking times. Which is why you will find plenty of those recipes on this blog as well. However, she loves to test-eat Dawuds new recipes. I mean, who wouldn't, right? When Janina is not creating content for Coconuts about food, she works in Human Resources for a tech company in Germany. We are currently based in Germany and are running this blog together as a hobby.

We hope our blog gives you value and inspires you to try out some delicious plant-based meals!